ग्रीस मा वन डडेलो

शुक्रबार, जुलाई २, २१ एथेन्सको दक्षिणपश्चिमी कोरिन्थको नजिकै रहेको स्पाथोवोनी गाउँमा अग्निबाण हेलिकप्टरले पानीमा पानी खसाल्यो।


फायर ब्रिगेडका गाडीहरूलाई दुईवटा हेलिकप्टर र चार आगो निभाउने विमानहरूले आगो निभाउन प्रयास गरे।


A firefighting helicopter flies in front of a thick cloud of smoke from a forest fire at Spathovouni village, near Corinth, southwest of Athens, Friday, July 23, 2021. Fire brigade vehicles are assisted by two helicopters and four firefighting planes in an effort to extinguish the fire. (AP Photo/Valerie Gache)



A firefighting helicopter drops water over a forest fire at Spathovouni village, near Corinth, southwest of Athens, Friday, July 23, 2021. Fire brigade vehicles are assisted by two helicopters and four firefighting planes in an effort to extinguish the fire. (AP Photo/Valerie Gache)

(एपी फोटो वलेरिए गचे)

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